CGA Services
Workforce Performance
We’re Your Trusted Partner for Managing Workforce Performance.
CGA recognized the need to build a local and national construction workforce initiative within its field and management staff – a workforce program dedicated and committed to service and providing job training and career paths to the underprivileged community, K-thru 12 youth community, displaced job workforce, and re-entry individuals.
We accomplished immediate results with one of our executive managers selected as a commissioner for the Indiana State Workforce Development Commission. With the awareness and understanding our associate received through the commission, we were able to develop a successful Workforce Outreach Program for all our projects.
Our successful methods include:
- Hosting periodic Job Fairs along with our Diversity Outreach Townhall meetings in underprivileged areas near the project or projects
- Partnering and working with local church groups and local community associations and utilizing their relationships for recruiting prospective job candidates while building awareness of the construction industry
- Building further awareness by inviting local school student bodies and parents to project field trips
- Developing a job training program to introduce candidates to the construction industry and to required specific tasks
- Reaching out to our contractor database and providing candidates who can be hired and channeled into skills training
- Working with local construction trade union and nonunion organizations and providing them with candidates for various trade apprenticeship programs
In executing these initiatives, CGA utilizes these keys for a successful Workforce Development Program: Awareness, Job Opportunity, Job Training, and Career Path.

What Our Clients Say…
"Extremely Professional..."
“Extremely professional … [and] attention to detail very evident.”
Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon
"Competitive Pricing, Exceptional Quality..."
“CGA was able to deliver in a timely manner with quality results. Their pricing is competitive and their quality is exceptional.”
Mimi Beresky | Chief Operating Officer | Shalom Health Care Center
"Great Communication..."
“Great communication with First Horizon and all contractors.”
Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon
"Quality and Safety Always a Priority..."
“General Superintendent on site daily … [and] quality and safety were always a priority.”
Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon
"On Time with No Accidents..."
“CGA … [saved] us 10% from the original budget … [and delivered] on time with no accidents.”
Jordan Flores Schwartz | Producing Director | Fonseca Theatre Company
"All Deadlines Were Met..."
“Weekly meetings with the contractors and ourselves about progress … [and] all deadlines were met.”
Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon
"Under Budget..."
“Under budget at the completion of the remodel.”
Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon
"Extremely Pleased with Results..."
“Shalom has had the privilege of working with CGA on various construction projects in the past and we’ve been extremely pleased with their results.”
Mimi Beresky | Chief Operating Officer | Shalom Health Care Center
Let’s Connect!
6002 N. Michigan Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46228