CGA Services

Construction Management

To Keep Your Projects on Track, On Budget, and On Time, Turn to CGA.

As a certified professional MBE contractor, we deliver effective management of your capital project’s schedule, cost, quality, safety, scope, and function. No matter the setting or the scope, we provide oversight for the entire project directly for the owner and other principals, including the project architect, engineer, and general contractor.

Serving your interests is our primary mission and we take seriously our responsibility to deliver the project on time, on budget, and to high quality standards.

A Few of Our Projects:

IVY Tech

The Elkhart Advanced Manufacturing Flex Laboratory project, built for Ivy Tech Community College, included the new construction of a 10,540-square-foot flexible laboratory space for the college’s campus located in Elkhart County, IN.

The facility includes lecture spaces, administrative and support services, and learning environments for Industrial Technology and Advanced Automation and Robotics Technology. The laboratory features all the infrastructure needs for the programs including appropriate ceiling height, power, and informational technology infrastructure.

Construction consisted of a cast-in-place concrete footing and stem wall foundation with a structural steel frame. An exterior of metal panels with limited masonry veneer and a metal panel roof completed the construction. This project marks a milestone for the northern Indiana community as key stakeholders, including Ivy Tech Community College, are combining efforts across the South Bend – Elkhart (SBE) region to drive economic development through major investments and partnerships.

IU Health West

C Garcia Associates was a major part of the Construction Management team for IU Health West (formerly Clarian West). Along with a 345,000 sq. ft.,122-bed hospital, the complex consists of six buildings: a Women’s Center, Cancer Center, Emergency Department, Pediatrics, Surgery Services, and a Physician Office Building. The complex also houses a helipad and is located on a 100-acre site. The “healing environment” design provides walking paths around the campus that take advantage of mature trees and new plantings. This fast-track project mandated coordination with Clarian staff, the consultants, and local planning agencies.

Oaklandon Elementary School

The Oaklandon Elementary School Addition and Renovation project, built for the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township, included selective demolition, the new addition of secure entrances, classrooms, multipurpose areas and administrative offices, and various renovations to the existing facility.

The new main entrance was constructed for the safety and security of the students, staff, and visitors. Renovations included refurbishing classrooms with new finishes such as painting, lighting, flooring, cabinetry, and wall coverings, as well as exterior upgrades. Due to CORE’s management efforts, the Oaklandon Elementary School Addition and Renovation project is now modernized and will continue to provide a secure learning environment for the district’s students.

What Our Clients Say…

"Extremely Professional..."

“Extremely professional … [and] attention to detail very evident.”

Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon

"Competitive Pricing, Exceptional Quality..."

“CGA was able to deliver in a timely manner with quality results. Their pricing is competitive and their quality is exceptional.”

Mimi Beresky | Chief Operating Officer | Shalom Health Care Center

"Great Communication..."

“Great communication with First Horizon and all contractors.”

Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon

"Quality and Safety Always a Priority..."

“General Superintendent on site daily … [and] quality and safety were always a priority.”

Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon

"On Time with No Accidents..."

“CGA … [saved] us 10% from the original budget … [and delivered] on time with no accidents.”

Jordan Flores Schwartz | Producing Director | Fonseca Theatre Company

"All Deadlines Were Met..."

“Weekly meetings with the contractors and ourselves about progress … [and] all deadlines were met.”

Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon

"Under Budget..."

“Under budget at the completion of the remodel.”

Patrick and Rusty Diemer | First Horizon

"Extremely Pleased with Results..."

“Shalom has had the privilege of working with CGA on various construction projects in the past and we’ve been extremely pleased with their results.”

Mimi Beresky | Chief Operating Officer | Shalom Health Care Center

Let’s Connect!

14 + 14 =

6002 N. Michigan Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46228